The Secret Ingredient to a Happier Lifestyle? Diet!

You deserve to be happy, but there are days when it’s easy to get sucked into negativity and despair. When nothing seems to go your way. When the craziness around you starts to influence your own thoughts. When you wish you were as awesome as so and so…


happiness with arrow pointing forward


Every single day we’re gifted a fresh start. An untouched canvas. And every choice we make on this canvas adds color to our life’s masterpiece. Today, I want to share with you a few strategies that I’ve found essential in painting a brighter, more joyful picture. Your right to wholehearted happiness is just waiting to be honored, and the journey starts now.

Let Go of the Pursuit for Perfection

It’s alluring, isn’t it? That thought of doing everything “just right.” But here’s a little secret from someone who’s been there: perfection is overrated. When we chase perfection, we’re often chasing an illusion, a ghost that remains ever elusive.

The Peril of Perfection

Here’s a story from my own book. I remember trying to perfect a recipe for a client presentation. I spent hours, days even, trying to get it just right. I was stressed, losing sleep, and guess what? The presentation went great. But it wasn’t because the recipe was perfect – it was because of the passion and authenticity behind it.

Perfection can become a road filled with potholes, cracks, and distractions. Embracing these imperfections, these “character traits” of our journey, is where the real magic lies.

The Food-Mood Connection: Probiotics for the Win

You’ve probably heard that you are what you eat. Well, your happiness might just be on that plate too!

The Happiness Elixirs: Fermented Foods and Probiotics

These quirky sounding foods – sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi (which, by the way, tastes fantastic in sandwiches) – they’re not just tasty; they’re your ticket to a happiness boost.

The gut, often called our second brain, has a more significant say in our emotional wellbeing than most of us realize. Around 90% of serotonin, our body’s natural ‘happy’ chemical, is produced in the gut. But to do its job effectively, it needs a healthy environment. Enter: fermented foods.

During a particularly stressful phase of my life, I turned to probiotic-rich foods. It wasn’t an overnight miracle. But over time, along with other mindful practices, I felt a notable shift in my mood and energy levels.

And guess what? Science backs this up. With emerging research diving deep into the role of probiotics in mental health, we might soon see yoghurt being prescribed alongside meditation for beating the blues!

Your Thoughts: The Silent Architects of Your World

We’re in constant conversation with ourselves. But how often do we pause to listen to what we’re saying?

The Inner Cinema: Watching Your Thoughts

In the past, I had a habit of letting negative self-talk dictate my actions. “You can’t do this,” “You’re not good enough,” became the soundtrack of my days.

One evening, after a particularly draining day, I decided to sit in silence. Instead of getting swept away by the turbulent currents of my thoughts, I chose to observe them, like watching a movie. Detached. Non-judgmental.

This simple act was transformative. The more I practiced this ‘thought-watching’, the easier it became to reframe negative patterns and embrace a more empowering narrative.

And you can do this too. Start with just a few minutes a day. Witness the changes it can bring to your mental state. By merely observing and then actively redirecting negative thoughts, you lay the foundation for a happier you.

Ready for a Deeper Dive into Happiness?

If you’re like me and are serious about nurturing your body and mind, there’s so much more to explore. I’ve poured my experiences, knowledge, and heart into comprehensive programs tailored for you. Think of delicious, gut-loving recipes and holistic strategies to light up your life. Dive in, and let’s journey towards joy together!


The journey towards happiness is continuous, dynamic, and deeply personal. Whether it’s embracing the flawed beauty of our journey, nourishing our bodies with happiness-boosting foods, or mastering our mind’s narratives, each step brings us closer to our truest, happiest selves. And remember, every day is an opportunity. Seize it. Embrace it. Live it.

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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  1. Grab a copy of my Plant Power Boosts Guide:
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  4. Work with me and my team privately: If you’re ready to take your health and wellness to the next level, let’s discuss your goals and how we can help. Tell me a bit about your journey and what you’d like to achieve by clicking below.
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