How Does Exercise Improve Health

Exercise isn’t all about the physical. It goes far beyond muscle tone and calories burned. Exercise affects your whole body, including your gut. Professional athletes show a much more diverse micro biome than their non-exercising counterparts of similar age and weight.


rose gym mat with weights and head rests on top of it


Hey there, lovely readers! I’m a certified nutritionist and dietitian, and throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of guiding countless incredible women on their health journey. It’s truly fulfilling to see the transformation that comes with understanding the link between exercise and health. More than once, I’ve heard someone say, “It’s not just about the food we eat, but also how we move our bodies.” And they’re absolutely right! Combining a nutritious diet with regular exercise is a match made in heaven.

The Dynamic Duo: Exercise and Nutrition

You know, when I started out in this field, I quickly realized the undeniable synergy between nutrition and exercise. Just as a car runs best with quality fuel, our bodies thrive when we complement our diet with physical activity. It’s a bit like the dance between peanut butter and jelly – better together!

Cardiovascular Benefits: More than Just a Healthy Heart

When we think about exercise, we often think about toned muscles or weight loss, but its benefits go way beyond the exterior. Regular exercise improves our blood circulation, ensuring every cell gets the nutrients it needs. Pair that with a diet rich in omega-3s, fiber, and antioxidants, and your heart will genuinely thank you.

Bone Health: Fighting Osteoporosis One Step at a Time

Remember Aunt Martha and her hunchback? She was one of the reasons I delved into this profession. Osteoporosis, especially in women, is a serious concern. Weight-bearing exercises like walking or lifting weights are crucial. And on the nutrition front? Incorporate calcium, Vitamin D, and other bone-loving nutrients.

Boosted Brain Power: The Cognitive Connection

During my college years, I always found that a quick jog around the campus before studying did wonders for my concentration. Exercise enhances cognitive function, and that’s not just anecdotal. Pairing this with brain foods like blueberries and nuts? You’ve got a powerful combo!

Mood and Mental Health: Elevation through Motion

One of my closest friends battled depression for years. The combination of her therapy, a balanced diet rich in magnesium and B vitamins, and adopting regular exercise literally transformed her life. The mood-boosting effects of moving your body are hard to deny!

Digestive Benefits: The Gut-Exercise Connection

Ah, the gut! A topic dear to my heart. Moving your body helps stimulate the lymphatic system, the system that helps your body to remove toxins and maintain healthy circulation. Ever tried a massage or dry brushing? They’re great too, but exercise takes the cake in effectiveness. Plus, with those additional benefits like mood elevation and heart health, it’s a no-brainer.

And guess what? Exercise also modulates and diversifies our gut flora. Detoxification, increased oxygen levels…the benefits are endless. Remember those days you feel sluggish, and everything seems off? Blame it on poor digestion sometimes. But the power duo of exercise and a balanced microbiome can make you feel on top of the world. And truly, who doesn’t want that?

Now, I understand the hesitation. Stomach cramps? Bloating? The gym is the last place you want to be. Trust me, I’ve been there. But you don’t have to go hard. A brisk walk, a gentle swim, or some yoga can do wonders. Your happiness reflects in your gut, so find that sweet spot of movement that brings you joy.

Hormonal Harmony: Balancing Act for Women

Remember those days when everything seems to tick you off for no reason? Or those sudden teary outbursts? Hormones! Regular exercise can help keep those pesky hormones in check. And with the right foods? Oh, darling, you’re in for a harmonious ride!

Skin Glow: Sweat Your Way to Radiant Skin

One of my guilty pleasures? That post-workout glow! While sweating helps rid the body of toxins, a diet rich in hydration, vitamin C, and antioxidants can make your skin look radiant.

Aging Gracefully: The Fountain of Youth

A while back, I met this incredibly vibrant lady in her 70s at a fitness class. Her secret? Regular movement and a diet packed with antioxidants and collagen boosters. If you’re keen on aging like fine wine, take a leaf out of her book.


In essence, it’s all about that perfect dance between what we feed our body and how we move it. Women out there, I want you to remember: Your health journey is unique, but the formula is universal – eat well, move often, and listen to your body.

If you’re genuinely keen on enhancing your health, restoring digestion, and boosting energy, delve deeper. I’ve curated comprehensive programs packed with gut-restoring recipes that I swear by. Dive in, and here’s to a healthier you!

Happy moving and munching, lovelies! 💃🥗

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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