10 Ways To Relieve Constipation

Constipation is the pits, and it happens to everyone at some point. When you transition from a typical diet into a clean-eating gut rejuvenating type of diet, you might experience constipation. It’s fairly common because all of a sudden, your body is getting food it’s not used to.


person demonstrating they are constipated


Hey there, beautiful souls! We’ve all been there—uncomfortable bloating, that feeling of being backed up, and, of course, the frustration of irregular bowel movements. Yup, I’m talking about constipation. And while it might be a bit of a taboo topic to chat about over brunch, it’s something most of us have faced at some point or another. Especially us women with our unique hormonal ebb and flow. So let’s delve into some tried-and-true ways to find relief. I promise, by the end of this, you’ll be feeling lighter—literally!

10. Understanding the Gut

Back in my college days, cramming for nutrition exams while surviving on instant noodles, my gut was my worst enemy. But those long nights made me realize the importance of a harmonious gut.

Listen to Your Body

Women have unique bodies, and our hormones can play tricks on our digestion. Learning about how our gut functions and responds to our diet can be a real game-changer.

9. Diet’s Role in Constipation

Honestly, if I had a dollar for every time someone told me they felt constipated after a junk food binge, I’d be sipping coconut water on a beach right now. What we eat matters, friends!

The Not-so-fun Side of Processed Foods

Remember those instant noodles? Yep, they’re the culprits. Reduce the processed stuff and watch your bowel movements become a lot more… well, regular.

8. Probiotics and Gut Health

During a trip to Greece, I fell in love with yogurt. Not just for its taste but for its digestive superpowers. Fermented foods can be a savior for your gut!

Friendly Bacteria to the Rescue

Look for yogurts with live cultures or consider a probiotic supplement. Your gut will thank you!

7. Stay Active, Stay Regular

I’m no gym junkie, but even my lazy Sunday strolls with my golden retriever, Luna, help keep things moving internally.

Movement Matters

Whether it’s yoga, a brisk walk, or dancing around your living room, find what you love and keep that body moving.

6. High Fiber Foods to Include

My grandma always said, “Eat your greens!” And guess what? She was onto something.

The Magic of Fiber

Think leafy greens, whole grains, and fruits. And maybe, just maybe, sneak in some chia seeds into your morning smoothie.

5. Stay Hydrated

Here’s a personal story: I once mistook my thirst for hunger and ended up overeating at a BBQ. Lesson learned? Listen to your thirst!

More Than Just Quenching Thirst

Water helps soften stools. So, keep that reusable water bottle handy and take frequent sips throughout the day.

4. Mindful Eating for Better Digestion

A few years back, I attended a meditation retreat. One day was dedicated to mindful eating. The experience? Revolutionary.

The Art of Savoring

Take your time with each bite. Feel the texture, savor the taste, and most importantly, chew thoroughly. It’s not just good for digestion; it’s a moment of zen.

3. Lemon Water: Nature’s Gentle Laxative

Lemon water, my morning ritual. It’s like a gentle nudge to my intestines saying, “Let’s get this day rolling!”

The Morning Elixir

A warm glass first thing in the morning can do wonders. Trust me on this. It’s like a spa treatment for your insides.

2. Senna Tea: An Age-old Solution

On a wellness retreat in Asia, I was introduced to Senna tea. Gentle yet effective, it’s been a staple in my pantry ever since.

Nature’s Gift

Perfect for those tougher days, but remember moderation is key. Always consult with your doc if you’re unsure.

1. Flax Tea: The Power of Omega-3 and Fiber

And now, the pièce de résistance: Flax tea! It’s a two-pronged approach with Omega-3 and fiber. A friend once shared her grandmother’s recipe, and it’s been my go-to ever since.

Brewed Perfection

A spoon of flaxseeds in boiling water, let it steep, and voila! It’s simplicity and effectiveness in a cup.

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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