Green Peas: The Veggie with Amazing Health Benefits You’ve Been Ignoring!

Uncover the surprising benefits of green peas for weight loss, heart health, and blood sugar control. Your health journey starts here!


Welcome back to our “Food of the Week” series. Each week, we introduce you to a new food item that is not only nutritious but also a powerful ally in your journey to sustainable weight loss and health balance. This week, we’re shining the spotlight on ‘green peas’, a humble yet potent superfood that offers numerous health benefits.

What are Green Peas & Their Nutritional Profile

Green peas, scientifically known as Pisum sativum, are small spherical seeds that come packed in a pod. They’re a staple in many diets worldwide due to their sweet taste and versatility. But beyond their taste and versatility, green peas are a nutritional powerhouse.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, green peas are an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B6, C, and K. They’re also rich in dietary fiber, protein, manganese, folate, and iron. In a cup of green peas, you get just 62 calories but a whopping 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber, making it a nutrient-dense food that’s perfect for weight management.

What sets green peas apart from other vegetables is their high protein content. For example, a half-cup of cooked carrots has only 0.6 grams of protein, while the same amount of peas contains seven times that amount 2. This high protein content, coupled with their low calorie count, makes green peas an excellent food for those looking to lose weight sustainably.

Benefits of Green Peas

Green peas offer numerous health benefits, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Let’s delve into the specific advantages they provide:

Weight Loss

Green peas are a valuable ally in weight management. Their high fiber and protein content promote feelings of fullness, reducing food intake and aiding in weight loss. A study in the Journal of Obesity emphasizes dietary fiber as a critical component in managing weight. Nutritionist Dr. Amy Lee highlights, “The fiber content in green peas is a key player in controlling appetite, making you feel full and reducing the urge to eat more”. Moreover, green peas are low in calories and high in protein, making them a great substitute for meat and helping in weight loss by making us feel fuller for a longer period of time.


Heart Health

Green peas are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are known to support heart health. These compounds combat oxidative stress and inflammation, processes that can lead to the formation of plaque along our blood vessel walls, a precursor to heart disease. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that the consumption of green peas could reduce the risk of heart disease.

Moreover, green peas contain generous amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and folate, which have been shown to reduce homocysteine levels, a known risk factor for heart disease. They also contain magnesium, a mineral essential for blood pressure regulation. Some evidence suggests that for every additional 100 milligram (mg) of dietary magnesium you consume per day, you could reduce the risk of high blood pressure by up to 5% 5.

Blood Sugar Control

The high fiber content in green peas can also help regulate blood sugar levels. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition demonstrates how dietary fiber can aid in blood sugar control. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes, as the fiber in green peas slows down the digestion and absorption of sugars, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

Green peas have a relatively low glycemic index (GI), which can help with blood glucose management. The GI index measures how quickly and high your blood sugar rises after eating certain foods. The fiber and protein in peas can also help keep you full for longer between meals, which means less snacking and, thus, further preventing the blood sugar rollercoaster that can make you feel sluggish and moody 7.

Incorporating Green Peas In Your Everyday Diet

Now that you’re aware of the benefits of green peas, you might be wondering how to include them in your everyday diet. Here are a few simple ways:

In Salads

Add boiled or steamed green peas to your salads for an extra crunch and a nutritional boost. This not only enhances the taste of your salad but also increases its fiber content, promoting satiety and aiding in weight management.

As a Side Dish

Green peas make a delightful side dish. You can stir fry them with some olive oil, garlic, and your favorite spices. This simple yet nutritious side dish can complement any main course, adding a burst of flavor and a host of health benefits.

In Soups and Stews

For added texture and flavor, include green peas in your favorite soups and stews. They blend well with various ingredients, enhancing the overall taste and nutritional value of the dish.

On Toast

For a creative take on the ever-popular avocado toast, try mashing peas with olive oil and salt and spreading on crusty bread. You can top it with slices of avocado for a nutrient-dense breakfast or snack.


In Pasta and Grain Bowls

Green peas can be a great addition to pasta dishes and grain bowls. They add a pop of color, a sweet flavor, and a host of nutrients.

In Indian Cuisine

Green peas are a staple in many Indian dishes. You can add them to curries, pulao, or even make a pea-based curry.


For a crunchy and nutritious snack, try roasting green peas in the oven or air fryer. Coat the peas with olive oil, salt, and pepper for flavor before roasting.

Remember, green peas are versatile and can be used in many other ways in the kitchen. They can be boiled, roasted, microwaved, or sautéed and are generally easy and quick to prepare. Keep peas in the freezer so you always have this nutritious ingredient ready to use.



In a nutshell, green peas are a nutritional powerhouse that can support sustainable weight loss while also providing numerous other health benefits. They’re versatile, delicious, and easy to include in your diet. So why not give green peas a chance in your next meal?

Remember, while green peas are a healthy food choice, achieving sustainable weight loss and health balance involves balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. At our online nutrition business, we offer customized meal plans that ensure you get a balanced, plant-based diet that suits your personal needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored meal plans.

Remember, your health is your wealth – invest wisely!

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