How Does Meditation Improve Gut Health

When you think of meditation you probably don’t associate it with better digestion and gut health. I know I didn’t until I learned just how much stress influences our gut health and just how powerful meditation is for decreasing stress.


person making a meditation symbol with their hand


Hey there, lovely readers! As a seasoned nutritionist and dietitian, I often get this question – “Is there a secret to better digestion?” Well, beyond the usual advice on fiber, hydration, and enzymes, there’s another element I’ve been diving deep into, especially for women like many of you, focused on refining your diets: meditation. Let me explain.

Stress, Diet, and Your Gut: The Connection You Never Knew

Do you know that awful feeling when you’re anxious, and suddenly your stomach ties itself into knots? It’s not just in your head. Your gut is directly affected by your mental state. Stress, especially, can wreak havoc on your digestion, leading to unpleasant experiences like bloating, acid reflux, and more.

What Evolution Has to do With Healthy Digestion

Issues like leaky gut aren’t just from that cheat-day donut; they often arise from leading a high-stress lifestyle. We’re all juggling so much these days, and our bodies often respond with the ‘fight or flight’ mode. This age-old survival mechanism was gold when we were outrunning sabertooth tigers but, let’s be honest, it’s less useful when the ‘predator’ is an overflowing inbox or a missed appointment.

In this hyper-alert state, digestion isn’t a priority. So, that healthy salad you crunched down during a stressful work meeting? It’s probably just lounging in your gut, waiting for things to cool down.

But here’s the light at the end of the tunnel: meditation.

How Meditation Helps Our Digestion

Meditation, which I’ve personally incorporated into my daily routine, has become my go-to answer for improved digestion. When we meditate, we’re essentially teaching our bodies to break the endless cycle of stress. The gut and the nervous system are like BFFs, and when one’s out of sync, the other feels it too. Meditation helps bring this beautiful partnership back into harmony.

Once I began meditating, I felt lighter, had fewer bouts of indigestion, and just felt more “in tune” with my body. And it’s not just me; countless women I’ve worked with report the same.

5 Game-Changing Benefits of Meditation for Digestion

  1. Reduces Stress-Related HormonesDid you know cortisol, the notorious stress hormone, is a party crasher for our digestive system? With meditation, cortisol gets shown the door, making room for a happy gut dance.
  2. Improves Gastric Blood Flow – Blood flow might sound technical, but think of it as a VIP treatment for your stomach. Meditation ensures your digestive system gets all the resources it needs for a job well done.
  3. Encourages Mindful Eating – Ever finished a meal and thought, “Did I even taste that?” Mindful eating is about savoring each bite and being present during meals. Meditation sharpens this skill, leading to better digestion. Trust me, your tummy will thank you!
  4. Balances Gut Flora – Your gut is like a tropical rainforest, teeming with diverse flora and fauna (bacteria). Meditation helps maintain this delicate balance, ensuring your diet’s benefits are fully harnessed.
  5. Strengthens Gut-Brain Feedback Loop – This is about listening to your body. Are you really hungry or just bored? Regular meditation amplifies this gut-brain conversation, making diet choices more intuitive.

Easy Ways to Incorporate Meditation in Your Life

Starting a meditation routine doesn’t mean you need a sacred space or fancy equipment. A mere 5-10 minutes daily can create wonders. Find a cozy spot, focus on your breath, and let your thoughts come and go like passing clouds. And if you’re like me, always on the go, there are a ton of apps out there to guide you. Meditation, at its core, is simply about being.


Lovely souls, digestion is more than just what you eat. It’s about how you feel and the energy you bring to your meals. Through meditation, you can enhance your digestive health, and by extension, the quality of your life. Remember, a happy gut equals a happy you!

Let’s Chat

Do you meditate? How has it impacted your health? Share your experiences, and if you’re just starting, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Here’s to a harmonious mind-gut relationship! 🍃🧘‍♀️

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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