Curried Butternut Squash And Apple Soup Recipe

This is one of my favorite soups. I could eat it every day, it’s so tasty and nutritious. A good soup does wonders for the body and soul. Soups offer a certain comfort that other foods lack. They’re also a vehicle for nutrient dense ingredients.


butternut squash in a cup

The Magic of Butternut Squash and Apple

As autumn leaves begin to fall and the air gets a little chillier, there’s nothing more comforting than a bowl of warm soup. Now, I’m sure we all have our favourite go-to soup recipes, but there’s one particular combo I find irresistibly delectable— butternut squash and apple.

Why this combination, you ask? Well, butternut squash isn’t just an autumn decoration; it’s an excellent source of vitamin A and one of the healthiest starches you can put on your plate. It has this inherent gentle sweetness, which is a dream when combined with the robustness of curry flavours. Now, throw in some apples, and the magic happens. Apples, particularly those tart Granny Smiths, have a zesty sweetness that lovingly embraces the butternut squash’s subtlety.

Let me let you in on a little secret: apple and butternut squash are like the dynamic duo of the food world. Not only are they harvested at the same time of year, making them a match made in seasonal heaven, but they also both pack a punch with fibre content. The kind of fibre that makes your digestive system sing praises!

A Walk Down Memory Lane

The first time I tried this soup was at a friend’s place. I remember being apprehensive about the apple-curried combo (I mean, who puts apples in a spicy soup?!). But boy, was I in for a surprise! One spoonful and I was transported to a world where sweet meets savoury in the most harmonious dance. Since then, every time Fall rolls around, this is one of the first soups I whip up. It’s become such a staple in my household that even my traditionally soup-averse brother asks for seconds!

Let’s Get Cooking!

Alright, enough reminiscing. Let’s get down to the real business – making the soup!


  • Oil Magic: 1 Tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil (I often lean towards coconut oil for that extra hint of tropical goodness.)
  • Base Flavours: 1 onion, finely chopped, and 1 garlic clove, minced (Ah, the classic start to any great dish!)
  • Spice It Up: 1 Tablespoon curry powder (This is where the warmth comes in.)
  • The Stars: 450g (1 lb) butternut squash, cut into cubes, and 3 Granny Smith apples, cubed (Remember, they’re besties!)
  • The Broth: 1-litre homemade veggie stock (Homemade is always best, but store-bought works if you’re in a pinch.)
  • Seasonings: 1 tsp sea salt and 1 tsp thyme (A little herby touch never hurts.)


  1. Golden Beginnings: Heat oil in a large pot. Add onions and garlic, and let them simmer until they reach that lovely golden hue. A fragrance will fill your kitchen, and you’ll know you’re on the right track.
  2. The Spice Route: Add that curry powder and salt. Give it a little stir to let the spices release their magic.
  3. Squash & Apple Party: Now, toss in your butternut squash and apple chunks. Look at those colours!
  4. The Simmering Session: Cover all those goodies with your veggie stock. Allow this mixture to simmer for about 30 minutes. You’re looking for that butternut squash to become all soft and tender. Tip: I usually put on some music and dance around my kitchen during this time.
  5. Blend, Blend, Blend!: Once everything’s all soft and mingled, it’s time to blend. Use an immersion blender right in the pot or transfer to a blender in batches. You want that smooth, creamy consistency that feels like a warm hug in a bowl.

There you have it! A soup that’s both delicious and packed with nutrition.

Making It Your Own

This recipe is flexible. Want a bit more spice? Add some red pepper flakes. Looking for a creamier texture? A splash of coconut milk does wonders. And if you’re anything like me, and sometimes crave a bit of crunch, toasted pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top can be divine!

Wrapping It Up

The beauty of this Curried Butternut Squash and Apple Soup is in its simplicity and the symphony of flavours it brings. I truly hope you enjoy making (and eating!) it as much as I do. Here’s to many warm, nourishing bowls this season! Cheers!

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