Why Is Plant-Based Eating Better For The Planet And You?

Last week I posted a blog about 3 reasons to go plant-based and explore the benefits of plant-based eating for personal health. In this post, let’s consider plant-based eating for the planet and animal welfare.


poster that reads one world with a drawing of the earth


We’ve all heard the buzz about plant-based eating. Maybe it’s the new vegan joint that’s popped up in your neighborhood or the sudden influx of almond milk varieties at your local coffee shop. Whatever it might be, there’s no denying the plant-based wave is sweeping the globe. But ever paused to wonder why? Let’s dive in and uncover why this trend isn’t just a health boost, but also a massive favor we’re doing for Mother Earth.

A Glimpse at the Hard Facts

1. Tackling the Climate Change Giant

Now, you might recall that summer vacation when the sun felt just a tad too hot, or maybe those unusually harsh winters. That’s climate change sneaking in. Believe it or not, our food choices play a huge role here. A study published in The Lancet highlighted that food production is responsible for up to 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. And here’s the jaw-dropper: animal products contribute to about three-quarters of this. Yep, you read that right.

Let me drop a personal anecdote here. A few years back, I attended a seminar on sustainable living. One speaker pointed out, “You can’t be an environmentalist and eat animal products at the same time.” I pondered on this. Later, I discovered the drastic carbon footprint reduction that plant-based foods offer. Swapping out beef for beans might sound trivial, but in the grand scheme, it can have an impact equivalent to taking millions of cars off the road.

2. The Thirst Quencher: Saving Our Precious Water

Remember those long, hot summer days when you’d chug down glasses of water? Now, imagine having only a limited supply of it. Scary, right? Animal agriculture drinks up about 70% of our freshwater. Producing just a pound of beef takes up a staggering 1,800 gallons of water. But here’s a silver lining: By simply cutting animal consumption, we could drastically reduce freshwater use. For perspective, just halving animal consumption can save up to 37% of freshwater in the U.S. It’s like turning off the tap while brushing, but on a much larger scale.

3. Every Inch Counts: Land Use in Agriculture

My grandma often spoke of vast meadows, endless stretches of forests, and the adventures she had amidst them. Fast forward, and a lot of that green has turned into pastures. A whopping 40% of the ice-free land mass is dedicated to raising animals for food. Switching to plant-based farming can free up vast expanses, which can be returned to nature or used for more sustainable purposes.

4. From Empty Plates to Full Hearts: Alleviating Global Hunger

Here’s a jolting fact: A considerable chunk of global crop production doesn’t go directly to feeding humans. Instead, it’s consumed by livestock. Imagine the hungry kids you’ve seen in charity ads being fed with these redirected crops. The Lancet report highlighted that the major crops used as feed, if reallocated for human consumption, could make significant strides in battling global hunger. Our dietary choices can be the bridge from scarcity to abundance.

5. A Healthier You Equals a Healthier Planet

Unhealthy diets are now the leading cause of death and disease worldwide, overtaking even tobacco. Shocking, I know! However, there’s hope. Embracing plant-based diets could prevent millions of premature deaths from chronic diseases annually. I’ve seen clients transform their health, ditching medications and feeling more energetic, all by just shifting their plates towards greens and grains.

For The Love of Animals

When I was a kid, I visited a farm. I met a cow named Daisy and was enamoured. She was gentle, curious, and had the most soulful eyes. Later, I came to understand the cruel conditions many animals raised for food endure. Overcrowding, malnutrition, and often downright cruelty. By embracing plant-based or vegan diets, we reduce demand, meaning fewer Daisys are brought into the world to suffer. As demand diminishes, farms can pivot to crop production, offering a two-fold solution: a more humane world for animals and a step closer to ending world hunger.

Conclusion: Your Plate, Your Planet

So, circling back to our initial question: Why plant-based? It’s not just about the trends or the health benefits; it’s about the planet, the animals, and our fellow humans. Every meal is a choice, and every choice has an impact. I chose plant-based for Daisy, for the environment, and for a vision of a better world. What’s your reason?

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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