What Is a Plant-Based Diet and Why You Should Try It

Unlock the secrets of plant-based eating! Learn the types, health benefits, and tips for making the switch in this Ultimate Guide.


vegetables curated together in the shape of a heart


Hey there, curious souls! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the dozens of diet types and nutritional jargon, you’re not alone. It can be confusing! But, no worries—I’m here to help break it all down. As an experienced plant-based nutritionist, I want to help you get crystal clear on what a plant-based diet really is, why it could be the best thing you’ve ever tried, and how it fits into the broader spectrum of dietary choices out there. Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is a Plant-Based Diet? The Skinny Version

At its core, a plant-based diet means you’re focusing primarily on foods derived from plants. This includes fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and legumes. You’re essentially omitting or reducing animal products. But the term ‘plant-based’ can mean different things to different folks. More on that later!

Defining a Plant-Based Diet

Types of Plant-Based Diets and Their Cousins

Ever heard someone say they’re a pescatarian and thought they were speaking another language? Trust me, you’re not alone! To help cut through all the confusion, here are some quick definitions.

Clean Eating

Clean eaters chow down on both plant and animal foods but kick processed stuff to the curb. Imagine a basket full of organic fruits, veggies, and maybe some free-range chicken.


Fancy term, right? These folks cut out red meat and pork but keep the rest of the animal kingdom on their plate.


This is your friend who turns down your BBQ chicken but says yes to sushi. They eat fish but avoid red meat and poultry.


Kinda like pescatarians, but swap out the fish for chicken.


You’ve probably heard this one. They consume dairy and eggs but avoid meat, poultry, and seafood.


Vegans go all out—no animal products whatsoever.

Whole Food Plant-Based

These guys are like your A-student vegans. They avoid processed foods, focusing on whole, plant-based options.


This term is more of a catch-all. It includes vegans and those who are on a whole-food plant-based diet but don’t necessarily have the ethical motivations.

Raw Vegan

Imagine a vegan who is also a raw food enthusiast.

Final Words on Types

There are as many variations as there are colors in a farmers’ market! I’ve met ‘vegetarians’ who still munch on fish or chicken. So, take labels with a grain of pink Himalayan salt.

The Science Behind a Plant-Based Diet

Health Benefits and Nutritional Science

While I personally follow a whole food plant-based diet, the science backs various forms of plant-based diets for improving your health in multiple ways. From weight loss and better digestion to reducing the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, there’s substantial evidence to consider.

For instance, plant foods are rich in antioxidants, which fight off free radicals—those nasty little things that speed up aging and can lead to disease.

Protein: The Big Question

“Where do you get your protein?” is probably the question I get asked the most. But the truth is, many plant foods like legumes and nuts are packed with protein. You can easily meet your protein needs without animal products.

Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet

Practical Tips for Making the Change

Switching to a plant-based diet doesn’t mean diving into the deep end overnight. Start by incorporating more plant foods into your meals. Remember, small changes can lead to big results.

Is Plant-Based Right for You?

At the end of the day, everyone’s body responds differently to different diets. I often tell people, if you’re dining out and unsure of the options, saying you’re vegan can be easier than explaining what “whole food plant-based” means. Most restaurants get it and can accommodate you. But hey, you do you. Whether you go full vegan, stay in the vegetarian lane, or simply opt for ‘Meatless Mondays,’ it’s your journey.


Plant-based diets come in many shapes and sizes, and there’s probably one that fits your lifestyle. Whether it’s for ethical reasons, health benefits, or just a love for veggies, taking the plant-based plunge can be a game-changer.

So, is a whole food plant-based diet right for you? Or are you leaning toward one of the other diets? Whatever you choose, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Happy eating! 🌿

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready...

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